Saturday, June 25, 2011

Stop Cheating On God!!

How do one cheat on God? Every time we put other things and other people before God we cheat. That is when we commit spiritual fornication or adultery towards God. Now if you ever experience getting cheated on or even being the one that cheated, you know it's a hurtful thing. Imagine how God feels when we go a day or two without talking to Him, but talks to everyone else. Imagine how God feels when we put other g-o-d's before Him. You are cheating on God! When one becomes a member of a church, one enters an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, He then becomes the first love of your life. One makes a lifetime commitment to be faithful and true, just like a marriage. Think about it, He's being faithful by proving Him self to us everyday, He hug on that old rugged cross for hours for us, He will never leave us nor forsake us and He will stay with us to the very end of time. Be very careful what you say, don't say yes to God and try to leave out a relationship. Friendship with the world draws us away from our covenant relationship with God.Why would we not take our vows more seriously when it comes to God? He has blessed us so many times! When we was baptised, we died with Christ, new beginnings, a new lover, and a new walk in life. We all make mistakes, we have all done wrong things, but it's time to Stop Cheating On God! He is so faithful day after day, He even loves us when we mess up. Repenting is fine, but we must look at it, if He takes His vows serious, we should too. He is not like an unfaithful spouse, He will give you everything you stand in need of, He don't make you unhappy, and He don't lie to you. Stop Cheating on God! There are so many ways that we cheat, He deserves our faithfulness, He deserves to be love, He deserve our RESPECT! He's been a friend when we needed a friend, He's been our supplier when we was in need, He's been our partner when we felt unlove and unwanted, He has been with us through sickness and in health and He will never leave you! What else, what else do He have to do to prove Him self to us. It's time to wake up and see what we really have in front of our face! STOP CHEATING ON GOD! And consider your ways! Be Blessed In The Lord

1 comment:

  1. Girl this is on the money! Love the analogies and how you compared physical and spiritual cheating! Awesome post! :)
